Tuesday, August 08, 2006

You hear interesting things on the bus. Like the woman beside me on Friday who called home and left this message: "I am sitting on the bus in front of the building. Please write down this exact time as soon as you get this message. Also, please put as many buckets outside as you can, because it's supposed to rain and we are going to need all of the water we can get." Huh?... And the cute, cute, little old man behind me, who was so articulate and well-spoken, so good-natured and complimentary in his conversation. He kept saying things like, "Good idea!" and "Sounds great!" He was the ultimate in pleasant -the kind of man you wish you could talk to when you call customer service and end up with some rude yapper. He spent a good 20 minutes discussing plans for traveling to and from Knoxville for someone (his wife, I imagined) to get some sort of physical therapy. He discussed travel times, how comfort had to be an issue, how this place they were going to was supposed to be the best, etc. Then he called someone else and relayed the whole conversation. Except this time he threw in, "Maybe we can stop at that nice Pet Med there and get his some treats - some of those bones he likes- for him to enjoy after therapy." It wasn't his wife getting the therapy! It was his dog! That sweet little man. It was all I could do to not hug him. But that would have meant reaching across the lady with the rain buckets -and that just did not seem safe.


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