Thursday, July 13, 2006

De donde eres and why do I care?
Steve Carell is from Massachusetts. Owen Wilson is from Austin, Texas. Johnny Depp is from Owensboro, Kentucky. Jeff Holmes is from South Carolina. Ryan Adams is from North Carolina-and I love when I hear it. Like when he says dance and it rhymes with paints. I like to know where people are from. I have to know where people are from. It is a compulsion. Yeah, yeah it's weird-NEWSFLASH I'M WEIRD- but harmless. Sometimes I can't focus on what a person is saying because I am trying to figure out where they are from. I like to guess, and I like to think I'm not too shabby. I can peg a Michigan accent a mile away. Wisconsin's pretty recognizable, and whoa Minnesota-could they accentuate vowels anymore? I am fascinated by accents. Who has them, who doesn't. How they change, lay dormant, and then suddenly -wham. Sandimous is from Connecticut. Is that right? OMG or is it Massachusetts? How could I not know? Anyway, most of the time she sounds like me, I think. Sometimes even worse ("You knooow Su-merna is really bee-ug" hahahahahaha I told on you) But sometimes when she's talking to her brother or someone else in her family, her accent is there. From nowhere. It's quite bizarre. I am amazed at tapes of myself at say, 10 years old. I sound like Ellie May Clampett. Really. And while I have not completely lost my southern twang, especially when I'm tired or mad, I definitely do not sound like Ellie May now. I remember my high school English teacher talking about how her daughter was in acting school and had been going to a dialect coach. My teacher was so excited to hear how she would sound. She imagined this beautiful, perfect accent. But she was a little dissapointed when she finally heard the result, because what she heard was an absolute lack of accent. Nothing identifiable. Completely stripped down. Bare. Naked. Boring. (And now for my first real name dropping on this blog, that is of a person with a connection (an admittedly weak connection) to me... that daughter was....Cherry Jones. ( ) Yeah yeah so that's the best connection I can make, my high school English teacher's daugher, well it's not exactly Hollywood here....give me a break. If you are nice maybe one day I will tell you about the day Reese Witherspoon stole my fame. As if I have not already told everyone I know at least 50 times. I need new stories.) So, go on, ask people where they are from. Try to guess. It's fun. If you're weird like me. (And you probably are if you are reading this. All two - or is it three now?- of you.)


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