Tuesday, June 06, 2006

Was there ever a word so sweet? Oh the joy, the sheer joy of being on my own schedule, or no schedule at all. Of staying up late, and setting no alarm clock. No traffic jams, no tailgaters, no road rage. No emails. No measuring my day in 6 minute increments. Now it’s over, and I’m back at work. But this year I have vowed to keep a little piece of vacation with me, a little vacation nugget I’m slipping in my pocket until September when the real thing rolls around again. I will try to live in the moment, which sounds so easy, but is so very hard for me. I will have simple meals with easy cleanup. I will work harder than ever to combat the Sunday night blues. I will get up earlier, and enjoy my mornings. I will smile more, nag less. Pet my dogs more, and worry less about bills. Take walks with my husband, and call my grandpa for no reason. I will be more social, and less like a hermit. I will stop reserving fun for the weekend only, and learn how to live 7 days a week instead of 2. We’ve only got one life, right? (unless you’re my friend Pauline :))

Oh, and I found the coolest quote yesterday on someone’s myspace. It’s from Chuck Palahniuk, the guy who wrote the novel “Fight Club” that resulted in the one-two whammy of Brad Pitt and Ed Norton together for my viewing pleasure. WoW! That’s even fun to type, I think I will do that again….Brad Pitt and Ed Norton…. Anyway, so for the quote…

"The first step - especially for young people with energy and drive and talent, but not money - the first step to controlling your world is to control your culture. To model and demonstrate the kind of world you demand to live in. To write the books. Make the music. Shoot the films. Paint the art. “

Is that great or what? I want to write the books! Or at least the short stories! So I will have to add “Go to writers group and try to really get something down on paper” to my list of walking, smiling, petting dogs and getting up early. :)


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